More Meetup Goodness!

written by lsilber

There’s been a lot of movement on the SproutCore Meetups front as of late; if you haven’t been to a Meetup yet, you definitely want to try and make it out. It’s a great opportunity to meet other talented developers, learn about the ins and outs, and even better, show off your code. We’ve got a number of Meetups happening soon, so find the one nearest you!

> > **[New York]( **February 23 > > > > The first New York City SproutCore Meetup kicks off with a visit from SproutCore creator Charles Jolley. He'll talk a bit about the history of SproutCore, the current state of affairs, and the exciting things on the way. [RSVP here]( > > > > **[Toronto]( **February 24 > > > > The Toronto HTML 5 group will be switching gears for their February Meetup, for _An Evening with SproutCore_. Core Team Member Michael Cohen will be on hand to walk folks through some SproutCore design concept basics, and to show off some great production SproutCore apps, like the recently released NPR app and Eloqua10. [RSVP here]( > > > > **[Chicago]( **March 3 > > > > The SproutCore Chicago group kicks off their series with a great talk by Jeff O'Dell on Lebowski, the top SproutCore testing framework out there. [RSVP here](   > > > > **[San Francisco]( **March 16 > > > > The second 2011 edition of the SF SproutCore Meetup will feature two great talks. First up is Core Team Member Tom Dale, talking about the SproutCore View Layer, and second, Core Team Member Yehuda Katz will present an update on the much-anticipated release of Amber. [RSVP here]( > >

All of the meetups have limited seating, and sponsored food and drinks. Past Meetups have been filling up fast, so be sure to RSVP now! See you all there…